Friday, May 05, 2006

Girls' Hiking & Date - ハイキングとデート

Wow! It's so beautiful!! (photo: taken from a bridge, at Mitake Station on 4 May 2006)
I went hiking yesterday with my lovely girl friends at church.
Though it took many hours to finally be in the nature from the heart of Tokyo, it was worth doing, so that we were vrey much blessed by the Father, Creator of this nature.
We took trains and a bus, then a cable car and a chair lift to reach top of the mountain (some may not call it "hiking"). I was surprised as there were more people than I expected. No wonder, this is "Golden Week (long holiday)" in Japan, and this mountain must be very famous though I didn't know.
On the mountain top, we had lunch, looking marvelous view of mountains, hills and city of Tokyo which looks very tiny from there. Yes, Tokyo is a big city. However, in God's eyes, it is so small and the problems we have in this city are not difficult for Him to solve. So are our problems in our daily life!
"With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."(Matthew 19:26)

After hiking for half an hour, I left earlier than those girls though they went ahead to see water falls as I had another meeting with my friend Rach! (photo: she is always cute.)
We went to have cake & coffee and enjoyed talking, sharing our testimonies etc. It is always good to know friends better, isn't it?

Especially for Christians, we enjoy sharing the stories how God changed our life and what He is doing in our present life. We pray together for each other and enjoy fellowship. I love it very much!!! God is always among us and bless our friendship!!!
For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them." (Matthew 18:20)

Rach and I went around a department shop, and we had fun, playing toys in shops :)
I was getting ideas from her what to give her for her birthday :)) and other occasions!!

Thank You, Jesus, for the beautiful day yesterday!
I enjoyed your creation, nature, at the mountain! I praise Your Name, God!!!
Thank You so much for the great time with Rach!!
I thank You very much for her beautiful heart and friendship!!!
I pray that You would bless her as she follows Your Plan in her life.
Thank You, Lord.


At 12:25 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...



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