Thursday, July 20, 2006

Love Languages of God (my offering message)- 神様の愛の言葉(初めての献金のメッセージ)

Have you ever heard about “Love Languages”?
Gary Chapman who wrote the book “The Five Love Languages” defines that:
A love language is the way we express our devotion and commitment, and it can be learned or changed to touch the hearts of our partner.
People have different love languages which we speak and understand.
Chapman said there are five love languages;
1. Words of Affirmation
2. Receiving Gifts
3. Quality Time
4. Acts of Service
5. Physical Touch

We express our love to our family, friends, relatives and partners with our own love languages. And when people speak to you with your love language, you feel love.
Focusing on the love language 3. “Receiving Gifts”, I think God has the love language of Receiving Gifts because He gives EVERYTHING we need, such as love, mercy, kindnesses, forgiveness, money, place to live, food, cloths, friends, family, … just everything!! (Even He sent Jesus to this world and He died on the Cross to forgive our sins.)
Thus, because God gives everything, I think God’s love language is “receiving gifts”.
The Bible says:
One of the teachers of the law came and heard them debating. Noticing that Jesus had given them a good answer, he asked him, "Of all the commandments, which is the most important?" "The most important one," answered Jesus, "is this: 'Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.' (Mark 12:28-30)

So, let’s give to God from all our heart, soul, mind and strength to show our love, commitment, and devotion to Him! The offering we give to Him is presentation of our Love to Him. We’ve got to express our Love to Him through offering!
God! Please receive it from us! Thank you, Jesus!!!

I gave this offering message for the first time in my life at Jesus Lifehouse on the last Sunday, 16 July!

The massage above is what I made my notes into proper sentenses. My note was messy because I practiced many times. I made changes many many times as I practice to make it short and simple because I had to give the message only within 5 minutes including translation and a prayer.

I had too many things that I wanted to share and wanted to explain more! But I was praying everyday that God will speak to and touch peole's heart through my offering message though I cannot say everything I wanted to say. And, many friends prayed for me including those who could not be at church when I gave the message. My beautiful friends, M and S, came to the morning service to listen to my message, which I felt so much LOVE from them!!!
シェアしたいことがたくさんあり、5分じゃとても足りませんでした。でも、たとえ全部言いたいことが言えなくても、私の献金のメッセージを通して神様が聞いている人たちの心に語りかけ触れてくださるように毎日祈っていました。 そして、多くのお友達が私のために祈ってくれました、たとえ教会に来れなくても。MゆちゃんやSっちゃんは、私のメッセージを聞くためわざわざ午前の礼拝に来てくれた。すっごく愛を感じたよ~ありがとう!!!

...and God answered my prayer. Some people talked to me and said it was good! Good feedback is that it could have been better if I couldn't look up or smile. But the best compliment I have got from my friends was that they could see how much I love God and how strong I am connected to God!!! Thank you so much!!! Yes! this means Holy Spirit filled me and spoke through me!!!

They said they could see how nervous I was!! While I was speaking, I thought I was ok. But when I finished my prayer and put away things to leave the platform, I found that my hands were shaking! My knees were shaking and I thought I could hardly walk back to my seat!! Then, I understood that it was God spoke to people's heart and He is the one who let me speak what I prepared though I was soooooo nervous! Thank you, God!!!!!


At 9:01 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...




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