Thursday, August 03, 2006

promoted but humiliated - 昇進。でも…

I have got promoted on 1 August. That was blessing from God and it was in His Good Plan.
However, I was not happy... because I was judged unfairly due to the nature of our organisation. Obviously, decisions were made based on a "gender discrimination", not based on "performance". I was so sad and cried a lot because I have been working hard with passion, believing that this job is what God wants me to do (I am not gonna write in detail here, but I will share what God taught me through this experience.)


Firstly, I was not happy because I compared myself with another person who got the same promotion.
So,... God gave me a Scripture...... Story of the Vineyard Workers (Matthew 20:1-16)


1"For the Kingdom of Heaven is like the owner of an estate who went out early one morning to hire workers for his vineyard. 2He agreed to pay the normal daily wage and sent them out to work.
3"At nine o'clock in the morning he was passing through the marketplace and saw some people standing around doing nothing. 4So he hired them, telling them he would pay them whatever was right at the end of the day. 5At noon and again around three o'clock he did the same thing. 6At five o'clock that evening he was in town again and saw some more people standing around. He asked them, `Why haven't you been working today?'
7"They replied, `Because no one hired us.'
"The owner of the estate told them, `Then go on out and join the others in my vineyard.'
8"That evening he told the foreman to call the workers in and pay them, beginning with the last workers first. 9When those hired at five o'clock were paid, each received a full day's wage. 10When those hired earlier came to get their pay, they assumed they would receive more. But they, too, were paid a day's wage. 11When they received their pay, they protested, 12`Those people worked only one hour, and yet you've paid them just as much as you paid us who worked all day in the scorching heat.'
13"He answered one of them, `Friend, I haven't been unfair! Didn't you agree to work all day for the usual wage? 14Take it and go. I wanted to pay this last worker the same as you. 15Is it against the law for me to do what I want with my money? Should you be angry because I am kind?'
16"And so it is, that many who are first now will be last then; and those who are last now will be first then."

「天の国は次のようにたとえられる。ある家の主人が、ぶどう園で働く労働者を雇うために、夜明けに出かけて行った。主人は、一日につき一デナリオンの約束で、労働者をぶどう園に送った。 また、九時ごろ行ってみると、何もしないで広場に立っている人々がいたので、『あなたたちもぶどう園に行きなさい。ふさわしい賃金を払ってやろう』と言った。それで、その人たちは出かけて行った。主人は、十二時ごろと三時ごろにまた出て行き、同じようにした。五時ごろにも行ってみると、ほかの人々が立っていたので、『なぜ、何もしないで一日中ここに立っているのか』と尋ねると、彼らは、『だれも雇ってくれないのです』と言った。主人は彼らに、『あなたたちもぶどう園に行きなさい』と言った。夕方になって、ぶどう園の主人は監督に、『労働者たちを呼んで、最後に来た者から始めて、最初に来た者まで順に賃金を払ってやりなさい』と言った。そこで、五時ごろに雇われた人たちが来て、一デナリオンずつ受け取った。最初に雇われた人たちが来て、もっと多くもらえるだろうと思っていた。しかし、彼らも一デナリオンずつであった。それで、受け取ると、主人に不平を言った。『最後に来たこの連中は、一時間しか働きませんでした。まる一日、暑い中を辛抱して働いたわたしたちと、この連中とを同じ扱いにするとは。』主人はその一人に答えた。『友よ、あなたに不当なことはしていない。あなたはわたしと一デナリオンの約束をしたではないか。自分の分を受け取って帰りなさい。わたしはこの最後の者にも、あなたと同じように支払ってやりたいのだ。自分のものを自分のしたいようにしては、いけないか。それとも、わたしの気前のよさをねたむのか。』このように、後にいる者が先になり、先にいる者が後になる。」

God also gave me some important lessons through this harsh experience at work.


* God NEVER gives challenges which we cannot overcome. (1Corinthians 10:13 - Though I could not know which Scripture it was, God showed me in the Coaching Course on Wednesday through Pastor Rod.)
神様は乗り越えられない試練は与えない。(第一コリント10章13節。― 神様から語られた時どの聖書の箇所かわからなかったけれど、コーチングコースでロッド先生を通して教えられた。)

* God is in control over EVERYTHING!  

* God prepares the way out for rescue. (1 Corinthinans 10:13)  

* God has a 'good' 'awesome' Plan for me. I am in His Plan! He has an important and good purpose for me.

* God is with me always and He is on my side.

* Be humble and focus on God! Don't worry about small things. Don't worry about judgement of earthly mere authorities, but FOCUS ON GOD ALMIGHTY!!!

* No matter how unfairly earthly people judge/treat me, I've got to use the gifts and talents God gave me (though I felt humiliated and discouraged to work and felt that all my efforts working there were disregarded.) Also, I shouldn't forget that all the success and good performances I made were given by God because of His Grace!!!
この世の人からどんなに不公平にされても、神様からいただいたギフトや能力を使わなきゃダメ!(どんなに屈辱的な扱いを受けても、 どんなにやる気を殺がれても。たとえ今まで一所懸命に身を粉にして働いてきた努力をすべて無にされたとしても。)

* Battle is NOT mine, but God's! (though I was trying to fight for my "human right as a woman" (which is earthly), and I complained and showed my anger.)

* I am precious in God's Eyes and He loves me in whatever situation, no matter how badly earthly people humiliate me.

............ Thank You, God, that I can still smile. I thank you for your protection, eternal love, mercy, grace and teachings. Thank You, Lord. I love you so much...


At 1:07 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...







At 10:37 am, Blogger eri said...




このお返事を書きながら、どうやらBreak through (ぴかーん!)があったようです♪これから更新しちゃいます♪(^v^)


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