Saturday, December 02, 2006

失って気づく – be grateful

Since last Friday, I’ve been sick and my voice got hoarse from a cold.
I couldn’t sing for more than a week. It’s been really hard for me that I cannot sing because I sing praise & worship songs always anywhere I am everyday. So, everytime naturally I tried to sing, I always failed. That happened many times a day…
Though I feel God’s Healing everyday little by little, my voice hasn’t come back to normal yet.

When my heart was filled with negative thoughts because of something bad happened at work, I tried to pray and sing to God so that He filled me with His Spirit. By singing, I was filled with good things.

Also, singing is the way I express thanks-giving, praise, love and any feelings to God and the way I express His Greatness, Love, Mercy, Power and what He has done for us.

But, I shouldn’t take “singing” for granted.
I should be grateful for that I can praise God by singing everyday.

On the last Sunday, I was given opportunities to serve at church, but it was like a disaster… I couldn’t work well… I felt the preciousness of good health.

Our body is God’s temple.
It is very important to keep it healthy. It is our responsibility given by God.
But when we get sick and God doesn’t give us healing right away, we learn something from it.

Everything is from God by His Grace; such as that we can serve with good health, and that we are given voice and able to sing. Although I tend to forget its preciousness, I would like to be always grateful for all the things which are sometimes taken for granted.

I am alive and I can breathe,
I am given beloved family and friends,
I can read Bible, and I am given a wonderful church and opportunities to serve,
I am given a job, a place to live, food, drinking water, …
I am given a PC so that I can write this diary to share on my blog…
Everything shouldn’t be taken for granted.
That I am here alive is not by chance but a miracle by God's Grace.

In the US, people celebrate Thanks-Giving-Day and remember wonderful things God has done in the year and give thanks to Him. I want to have my Thanks-Giving-Day sometimes in busy days, so that I can remember the value of all things God has done and provided me.


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