Monday, October 16, 2006

J-life Core Team Retreat!! - J-Lifeリトリート

We had J-Life Core Team Retreat in Karuizawa, Nagano from Sunday (8 Oct) to Monday (9 Oct), stayed a night at Australian Embassy’s Holiday House! Beautiful place! The House was surrounded by beautiful rich nature, bush and a stream, and we were blessed with the wonderful weather as well.
It was so exciting and fun to get away with awesome boys and girls (11 of us!)!!!


←Shinkansan, going to Karuizawa!

Through this retreat, I believe God spoke to each of us.
I would like to share a part of what I have received;


1. Be relaxed and open to God always
Just be ready for the God’s provision, and be available always for God’s direction.
No worries about the “future”.


As Christians, we have “box” (or list) of “what I want my partner would be” to ask God. This list is series of conditions that we want how our partner (future wife or husband) would be. Everybody was surprised that I have 4 pages of list (A5 size of notebook though!)! But I know why it became a long list. That is because I included basic details, such as "Christian", “has passion to Jesus”, “doesn’t smoke”, “doesn’t drink”, “loves dogs”, etc. ...


"Lifetime partner" has been a big issue to me, but I decided not to think too much. Through the retreat, I learned that I may have to be relaxed about it and wait without thinking or hoping too much or too long. I am learning not to think too much either good things or negatives. I want to just thank God for who He is and the salvation He gave me.


Image was like this;
Jesus is on the driver's seat, and I am beside him, telling him "Jesus! can you drive faster?" "Jesus! Ah! is that my right man? can you go that way?" "Wow! is this the right one? can you change the way and turn to the left?"
I was directing Him by trying to understand as I want to and by thinking too much about it.
Actually though, I had to follow the "way" Jesus drives to.

私は自分が望むように理解しようとしたり、考えすぎて、運転席のイエス様に自分の行きたい道を示してしまっていたのです。 本当はイエス様が道を示してくださって、私がそれに従うべきなのに。

But now, I want to sit back a little bit and just worship Him and enjoying serving Him. Sometimes, I may have to fall asleep, leaving Jesus drive to the way He wants to take me. Totally relying on Him with faith that He would lead me to the best as He is preparing the "somebody" and me now, I would like to be open and always available to fit in His Plan.


2. Our territory will be extended, each of us will be stretched out

During the worship & prayer time after Monday breakfast, M-chan prophesized “God wants to enlarge our area. In order for God to do that, we need to be stronger in our minds, knowing that we are in God’s great plan and needn’t to be afraid”.
It was so encouraging and reminded me of E-san’s prophesy. She prophesized what God is going to do in my life for His Plan. He will “open” my eyes for a special mission.
I will keep it in mind and hold onto it until God will realize it inside of me.

月曜日の朝、朝食のあとにワーシップ&お祈りの時間を持ちました。そのとき、み○ちゃんが神様からこう語られました。「神様はわたしたちの許容範囲を広げようとされている。そのためには私達の心がより強く され、神様の素晴らしいプランの中にいることを理解し、その大きすぎると見えがちなプランを恐れないことが必要だ」

← Nice shot, Maja! Thank you!!!

3. K’s testimony

K is such a faithful servant of God. Great man of God!
I was amazed and really encouraged by his testimony.
He decided to quit his job and go back to NZ to restore his marriage as his wife could not come to Japan after his 8-months stay in Japan because he knew how important his marriage is in God’s Plan. Though he had to sacrifice his career and his life in Japan, he followed God’s Plan.


Also, he came to the retreat and gave a lot of inputs for the next year’s events of J-Life though he is leaving soon for NZ. What a great attitude!!


Thus, he is faithful to the big things, as well as to the small things!
The Bible says;
His master replied, 'Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!' (Matthew 25:23)
I am excited and looking forward to the GREATER BLESSINGS God will give to him!!! (^o^)/
I would like to be like him to be faithful and courageous to follow God always! And I want my life-time partner to be like him too, listening what God's saying to him when he has to make a big decision, and follow Him!!


I was really thankful to God for this wonderful weekend and for the awesome team!!!!
The retreat was fruitful in terms of Godly purpose and fellowship to grow and the team to be united. We had a lot of fun and shared joy and ideas for serving God!!
Thank You, God! Thank You, Jesus! Hallelujah!!!


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