Tuesday, December 19, 2006

walking in fire - 火の中を歩いても

You know what?
I have been feeling down today (<- I would say ‘sometimes’ or ‘relatively’ because God lifted me up every time when I nearly fell down to the Satan’s traps) and wept to God when I came home because of my probable big mistake.
But I chose to worship God & praise God, singing & praying. I actually weeping.
BUT! It was strange (but amazing) that I naturally stopped crying and feeling peace and perfect confidence in God!


I have a lot of attacks and challenges these days, such as relationship with my colleague(s), minor mistakes, failures, wrong decisions, instructions to new assistant without confidence, getting weary because of huge amount of work and speed that I have to keep… I am facing some kind of obstacles these days.
However, God shows me the way to overcome and gives me His Power, His Strength and His Words to get through though I feel really discouraged or frustrated sometimes.
Small victories everyday as I walk in the way the Lord put in front of me.


From Ps. Rod’s messages at church, I made a decision yesterday.
- I’ve got to continue turning my worries to prayers and praises whenever worries come up to my mind!
- I’ve got to throw my worries to God completely! I prayed that I surrender everything to God last night.
- I will be an “Eagle” Christian! I’ve got to be strong, focusing on God (look up)! Be majestic in God’s Power. Flying high with the Holy Spirit’s Wind, be delight & joyful even in the time of struggles with “conviction” that God is good, God loves me, and God has a wonderful Plan for me!

- 心配などネガティブなことを思ってしまったときには、お祈りと賛美をする習慣を続けること
- 心配を完全に神様に投げること!昨日の夜、すべて捧げますとお祈りしました。
- 「鷲」のようなクリスチャンになること!神様を見て、神様の力の中に在って威厳を持ち、聖霊様の風に乗って空高く飛び、どんなにつらい状況におかれても喜んでいること。神様が素晴らしい神様であり、わたしを愛してくれていて、素晴らしいプランを用意してくださっていることに確信を持って!

Though I don’t know how much I could make these decisions into actions today, God reminded me of these things during the day:
- I am forgiven. God doesn’t keep records of wrongs (1Cor 13) though I make minor mistakes these days and a big problem revealed today might be my fault. Because, our God is merciful God!
- Try to keep doing right things, seeking God, seeking God’s way, His Words, His Strength and be positive as much as I can.
- Pray and Praise! Sing!

- わたしは赦されている。たとえ私が最近ケアレスミスをしたり、今日発覚した大きな問題が私のせいだとしても、神様は間違いを記録に残さない(1コリント13)。それは、神様は憐れみ深い神様だから。
- 正しいことをし続け、神様と神様の道、彼の言葉、強さを求め続け、できるだけポジティブでいなさい。
- 祈って賛美しなさい!とにかく歌いなさい

The problem is still there when I will go to the office tomorrow. I know that I have to face it and have to deal with it.
But what God gave me tonight is “conviction” that it will be alright. It’s gonna be solved. “The lost will be found”. God is there for me.
Also, He gave me a vision now which I am walking in fire blazing up but God’s Angels surrounding me, protecting me so that I can walk with confidence that God would lift me up when the fire becomes too strong for me. Same time, He gave me a Scripture, Isaiah 43.

Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine.
When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze. For I am the LORD, your God… (Isaiah 43:1-3)



Please pray for me that God would protect me tomorrow and solve the problem for me, the lost thing will be found, and God would bless all the people who are involved in the project I am now working on and bless the project itself and He would intervene in every area of the project.



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