Thursday, March 22, 2007

愛と恵みのルール - Love & Grace rule

God spoke to me today at work. He said to me "Be a person who can always give love to everybody"

It is often said that it is difficult to get along with people at work because there are different kinds of people. To me, there are some difficult people not only at my office, but also outside those who are involved in my project.
It is really hard to work with short-temper and/or pride people...
It is always tested as a Christian, being exposed in such society which has its rules (ranking/position etc), customs, values, and common sense etc. ...

でも、自分がつらいとか、自分は間違ってないのに…とか、そんな「自分」の思いはどうでもいい。 サタンのよろこぶ自己憐憫には負けない!
But, it doesn't matter how bitter to "me" the person was or how strong I think "I" wasn't wrong. I am not defeated by "self-pitty" which Satan loves.

Even though I experience objections, how much hard I get yelled at, ...

I wanna be a person who can give love to anybody at anytime.

As we've got to give children rich love, I think even adults are seeking love.

この社会(競争社会)で生きていくのって楽じゃないと思います。 「生き残っていく」という表現さえよく使われます。 悲しいですね。生き残れなかったらどうなるのですか?
It is not easy to live in this society. I can understand that. We often use the word "survive" to live in this competitive society. It sounds really sad to me... what would happen if we can't "survive"?


I don't need such rules of this society because I live in God's rule of GRACE!!
When God spoke to me today "Be a person who give love always because anybody around you is needing love", I told Him that I want to live according to His GRACE rule at work, too!!!
Without expecting returns, I jsut want to always love people and be kind to everybody around me. And, I thought "if everybody knows God's awesome rule that 'love one another', this workplace is gonna be changed! this society is gonna be changed!!! "
I want you to experience God's Love & Grace, and I want you to know how much God loves you. I can love myself and other people because I know God loves me and I receive His Love & Grace always.

関連エントリーrelated entry (日本語のみjapanese only) :

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Forgiveness - ゆるすこと

The other day, I watched a movie called "Karla Faye Tucker: FOREVERMORE" on ShineTV (NZ's Christian TV online).
Karla died on 3 Feb 1998, executed by injection.
She was involved in robbery group that steals motorcycle, using drugs and murdered two people by a pickaxe. She was sentensed to death.
In prison, she was touched by a testimony of a Christian lady during her prison ministry. The lady shared her experience that was similar to Karla's, which she started to use drugs when she was 12 years old. She took a free Bible on a table and hided it under her shirt (she thought she stole it).
When she went back to her cell, she started to read the Bible and Word of God came into her heart. She cried out to God to forgive her, and she received His Forgiveness and His unconditional Love. Yes, she got saved in the prison.
Please refer to the web links below for more information about Karla.

この間"Karla Faye Tucker: FOREVERMORE" という映画をShineTVというニュージーランドのオンライン・クリスチャンTVで見ました。

A few days later, I watched documentary about Karla on the same TV.
In this documentary, a guy was introduced, who is a brother of a lady who was killed by Karla.
Because he loved his sister very much, he got hatred against Karla. He wanted to go to the jail and kill Karla. But instead, he used drugs and drunk alcohol more and more. Yes, ... he hurt himself because of his anger, curse and hatred against Karla.
But one day, a drug dealer said to him "you should read this", and gave him a Bible (I thought it was interesting :) maybe the drug dealer was an Angel God sent?? I don't know... but definitely God used this drug dealer to draw him close to Him) . Reading the Bible, he was absorbed into God's Words, and He asked God for forgiveness, and .... he forgave Karla.
He visited Karla in prison and told her that he forgave her.
He even said Karla helped him grow in Jesus, and that he believed his sister and Karla must be getting along with each other in the Heaven.
How beautiful those two people are. How beautiful "forgiveness" is.



On the contrary, another guy still has hatred and anger against Karla. He is husband of the lady whom Karla murdered... It was a perfect contrast between Karla& the brother and this husband. And I could see the differences in those three people.
Those who forgive each other live a "real" blessed life of peace, joy and love.


Forgiveness is powerful.
Forgiveness is beautiful.


God teaches us from this real story that;
Forgive each other. Love one another.
Give more space for people around you.
Give more room for others.
Be merciful, and be graceful.
And, whatever sins we committed, big or small, lot or few, God will forgive us when we ask God to forgive us and receive His Forgiveness and His unconditional Love. So that, we can live an awesome life!


English (英語) (Karla's Testimony & Movie Trailer)
