Thursday, November 30, 2006

人間関係 – Relationship

God teaches me about relationship these days.

Importance to understand others

Speak with my heart filled with the Holy Spirit (your words will be different)

Discern the situation the person is in, and see the best timing to talk to

Speak anytime with words that may tell Jesus' Love

It’s all about "others", not "me".

The most important thing is to pray for the person.

And, ask the Holy Spirit to help you. (Don’t ever rely on our own strength)


God is in control over “everything”.
He is in control over actually everything; the person, me, “everything” happening around me.
So, no need to worry.
God, please control me always.
Please control me not to be selfish and not to be defeated by the evil’s temptations.
Even in the midst of challenges, sickness, hardships, help me understand that all is in Your wonderful Plan.
I receive “everything”, without escaping from bad situations.
That is because ... You always give Victory and promise the better future.
I want to be in Your Plan ... always and forever...


Thank You, God, for giving me the Victory today.
I follow You always.
Love You, God!! Love You, Jesus!!

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Hillsong UNITED Live Highlights! - ヒルソング・ユナイテッドすごかった!

THE GREATEST highlight for me was Salvation. So many people were saved at the Jesus Lifehouse special service (see photo) & the UNITED Live. I was blessed to be one of the members of Follow-up Team. I could see hundreds of hands raised at the time of alter call. The people who stood up and walked to have a conversation with us (about 80: received Jesus 1st time, and 70: recommitted) were a part of such a great number of people. I believe there were 300 people or even more! It was hard to count and remember which person raised his/her hand even though there were 20 of us given a role to see a small section each!! It was AMAZING!!! At the concert, I was just blown away when I saw a looooooong line of people who received Jesus for the first time or came back to Jesus!! Though I was almost crying, I tried not to in order to do my job for following-up. But, I couldn’t resist my tears when I saw people sitting at the tables in the cafeteria with our team talking, and thought of their beautiful future to come. Praise God!! Hallelujah!!


Also, I was so blessed to be a volunteer for set-up team, welcoming team, follow-up team, and translation for another team. Thankfully, I enjoyed all the jobs. However, there are a lot more things which I could not see or could not get involved. There are huge amount of jobs to make the Live successful. I am so thankful that lots of leaders poured their “everything” into the Live from the preparation to the wrapping-up. But, I am really grateful that I could be involved in some parts of the entire job, and EVERYTHING we did was for God and His Kingdom. Everybody was amazing. I cannot express enough actually. I thank God for giving me such a wonderful experience with gorgeous passionate people who all are parts of Christ’s Body.


Another important thing is that God answered to my prayers for 3. I had been praying especially for three people in my prayer that they could come to either the special service or the Live. God answered to my prayer and showed me more than that!! Also, I was praying for three colleagues and one of them, beautiful D-san, could come to the service! Thank you, God!!! Thank you, Jesus!!! I will keep praying for them!!

もうひとつ大事なハイライト♪だいすきな3人のために、このスペシャル礼拝かライブに来られるように祈っていましたが、神様がこたえてくださって、しかも私が祈っていたことよりももっとすばらしいことを見せてくれました♪(^v^) そして、職場からも3人来れるよう祈っていましたが、私の大好きな、とっても美しいDさんが礼拝に来てくれました!!イエス様、ありがとうございます!!!

Lastly, some change inside of me. I had headache from around lunch time. It was getting heavier and heavier as time goes by. Just before the Live started, some of my friends prayed for me, but the headache remained. So, after the alter call and following up, while I was worshiping and praising God at the concert, I prayed to Him if He wanted me to go home earlier. Because I wanted to stay until we would finish pack-down, I asked Him to heal me right there. But, He didn’t… So, I asked Him if He wanted me to go home instead of staying there and serving Him until the end of the concert. From His answer, I made my decision to go home…. It was different from before. I was a person who tries to stay until completing my job until the end of the event however much I feel below par (maybe because I was a perfectionist). I was thankful to God for changing me and leading me to make a decision by asking Him and obeying His answer. When I made myself to the way home, I found that my body nearly was falling apart because my feet were aching and I had back pain add to the headache. I really thank my friends who lovingly prayed for me, and thank God that I was totally healed Monday morning and could go to work.


Dear God, thank you for saving a great number of souls on Sunday.
You are Almighty God, our Saviour.
Thank you for the new sisters and brothers, new family!
Thank you for the awesome people, experience, teaching and stretching.
Thank you for showing us the “clearer” vision of Jesus Lifehouse, and future in Japan!!!


Monday, November 20, 2006

Braces – 矯正!

I started to wear braces on Saturday, 18 Nov.!
I went to the dentist at 10.00 in the morning, and went to volunteer preparation for Jesus Lifehouse’s Special Service & Hillsong UNITED Concert in the evening 5-8pm. By God’s Grace, the pain didn’t come until we finish the set-up!
I only have braces on upper teeth, but have to wear it on bottom ones next week…
I love soup, noodles, soft bread, now…… I cannot eat hard things!
My diet has been changed because of the braces! But it seems good to me because soft foods are good for stomach J Thank you, God!
Actually, I didn’t really care about my teeth…or I was giving up about it, but my parents worried and had me do that. Thanks to their “passion” to make their daughter beautiful, I made decision to wear it!
But it’s painful and difficult to eat…it takes a year and half until I will be free from braces...


Friday, November 17, 2006

Christian TV - クリスチャン・チャンネル

Since I moved to where I am living now, I have been watching Christian TV programs online! :)
Though I have some chances to use English at work and at church, it is not enough.
I want to live in environment I can hear, speak, write and read English so that I would not forget it :))
I have been watching "Australian Christian Channel (ACC)" since September, and recently I discovered "Church Channel" of American one.
I am really enjoying these programmes :)
I can hear powerful preaching, the latest Christian music and great testimonies even on weekdays!!
There are variety of programmes, such as preaching, music, youth program, Kid's program, talk-show, drama, comedy etc!!!
You may have known these programmes already and maybe more!
If you haven't, go to their website, enjoy and be blessed!!!
Church Channel:
Please DON'T forget JLH Media!!

9月から"Australian Christian Channel (ACC)" というオーストラリアのテレビを見ていましたが、最近アメリカの "the Church Channel" というのも見つけました!
Church Channel:

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Answer - 祈りのこたえ

Can you see this weather forecast? (Sydney) (Canberra)

God brought and will bring rain to some areas of Australia! Hallelujah!!
I was amazed when I saw this weather forecast now!
He will bring rain to Sydney tomorrow, too!
I think if we pray more, God will asnwer to our prayers and bring more rain this week and next week. So that, people can be free from drought and Fire Warning.
Last night, when I was washing my face, I was saying "Jesus, Jesus...", then He spoke to my heart "I can hear your voice" "Cry out to me" "Pray".
God will surely answer to our prayers!! Amen?
Thank you very very much for your prayers!!!
God bless you!!!!!


Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Prayer request - お祈りおねがいします。

I heard that drought in Australia is really severe at the moment. This is the worst in history they said. I experienced terrible drought while I was in Canberra in 2002-2003, so I can understand how hard it is for them. It is not only about water restriction, but also bush fires everywhere and some people have to evacuate and others lose their houses.
I request you all to pray for people in Australia.
Pray that God would bring water to them, clean water, drinking water......
Pray that God would bring rain for them.
We never can live without God's Grace to give us rain.
I believe that God would answer to our prayers.
Thank you.
