Monday, October 30, 2006

りらっくす (japanese only, sorry!)





答えはいつもジーザスです♪ ★★


Monday, October 16, 2006

妹の結婚式♪- younger sis's wedding


I spent a great weekend in Kagoshima! I experienced loads of blessings and full of grace from God!!!
I went to my younger sister's wedding with my parents and relatives!
God answered to my prayers and the wedding was soooooooo blessed!!!!!


I excited that God would give me an opportunity to speak about Him to the public to impact many people at the wedding. But I changed my mind and decided to rely on God's Plan to do His Will instead of my will. That is because I knew that He will shine through me anyways though I don't "do" anything particular by my will.

* どんなに困難な状況においてもポジティブで笑顔でいること
* 奉仕するよろこび
* 2人への愛
* 神様から与えられたギフトを使って輝くことの大切さ
* 与えられた恵みへの感謝
* 喜びも苦しみも分かち合うこと

What I have done for my sister, her husband and the wedding is just a small thing. But, I believe that the wedding and our stay were so much blessed because of the God's Grace (non-Christians may not think like that...). As a christian, some messages from Jesus that I think I could show to them are;
* Smile and be positive even in a midst of struggles
* Joy of serving
* Love to them
* Importance to shine through using the gifts from God
* Be thankful for the grace and blessings that God gives
* Share joys and sufferings
These messages are all in the Bible!
And, I prayed for them before the wedding and during the wedding.
I want to continue praying always for them!

Here are some photos I took at the wedding!
My sister was so beautiful! Her husband is very good looking, too!!
Their heart is strong & beautiful as well!
↓そんな2人の結婚式はこ~んなにも祝福されました♪♪ Enjoy! :)

At the chapel. They put their hands on the Bible and the pastor prayed to God. I was a bit sad that they haven't known Jesus who is the God they are praying and declaring their marriage to.

Baloon Release!



Just before the party will begin.
60 people came to bless their marriage!


Cake cutting!
Look at their happy faces :))
My sister was sooooo cute!!!

J-life Core Team Retreat!! - J-Lifeリトリート

We had J-Life Core Team Retreat in Karuizawa, Nagano from Sunday (8 Oct) to Monday (9 Oct), stayed a night at Australian Embassy’s Holiday House! Beautiful place! The House was surrounded by beautiful rich nature, bush and a stream, and we were blessed with the wonderful weather as well.
It was so exciting and fun to get away with awesome boys and girls (11 of us!)!!!


←Shinkansan, going to Karuizawa!

Through this retreat, I believe God spoke to each of us.
I would like to share a part of what I have received;


1. Be relaxed and open to God always
Just be ready for the God’s provision, and be available always for God’s direction.
No worries about the “future”.


As Christians, we have “box” (or list) of “what I want my partner would be” to ask God. This list is series of conditions that we want how our partner (future wife or husband) would be. Everybody was surprised that I have 4 pages of list (A5 size of notebook though!)! But I know why it became a long list. That is because I included basic details, such as "Christian", “has passion to Jesus”, “doesn’t smoke”, “doesn’t drink”, “loves dogs”, etc. ...


"Lifetime partner" has been a big issue to me, but I decided not to think too much. Through the retreat, I learned that I may have to be relaxed about it and wait without thinking or hoping too much or too long. I am learning not to think too much either good things or negatives. I want to just thank God for who He is and the salvation He gave me.


Image was like this;
Jesus is on the driver's seat, and I am beside him, telling him "Jesus! can you drive faster?" "Jesus! Ah! is that my right man? can you go that way?" "Wow! is this the right one? can you change the way and turn to the left?"
I was directing Him by trying to understand as I want to and by thinking too much about it.
Actually though, I had to follow the "way" Jesus drives to.

私は自分が望むように理解しようとしたり、考えすぎて、運転席のイエス様に自分の行きたい道を示してしまっていたのです。 本当はイエス様が道を示してくださって、私がそれに従うべきなのに。

But now, I want to sit back a little bit and just worship Him and enjoying serving Him. Sometimes, I may have to fall asleep, leaving Jesus drive to the way He wants to take me. Totally relying on Him with faith that He would lead me to the best as He is preparing the "somebody" and me now, I would like to be open and always available to fit in His Plan.


2. Our territory will be extended, each of us will be stretched out

During the worship & prayer time after Monday breakfast, M-chan prophesized “God wants to enlarge our area. In order for God to do that, we need to be stronger in our minds, knowing that we are in God’s great plan and needn’t to be afraid”.
It was so encouraging and reminded me of E-san’s prophesy. She prophesized what God is going to do in my life for His Plan. He will “open” my eyes for a special mission.
I will keep it in mind and hold onto it until God will realize it inside of me.

月曜日の朝、朝食のあとにワーシップ&お祈りの時間を持ちました。そのとき、み○ちゃんが神様からこう語られました。「神様はわたしたちの許容範囲を広げようとされている。そのためには私達の心がより強く され、神様の素晴らしいプランの中にいることを理解し、その大きすぎると見えがちなプランを恐れないことが必要だ」

← Nice shot, Maja! Thank you!!!

3. K’s testimony

K is such a faithful servant of God. Great man of God!
I was amazed and really encouraged by his testimony.
He decided to quit his job and go back to NZ to restore his marriage as his wife could not come to Japan after his 8-months stay in Japan because he knew how important his marriage is in God’s Plan. Though he had to sacrifice his career and his life in Japan, he followed God’s Plan.


Also, he came to the retreat and gave a lot of inputs for the next year’s events of J-Life though he is leaving soon for NZ. What a great attitude!!


Thus, he is faithful to the big things, as well as to the small things!
The Bible says;
His master replied, 'Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!' (Matthew 25:23)
I am excited and looking forward to the GREATER BLESSINGS God will give to him!!! (^o^)/
I would like to be like him to be faithful and courageous to follow God always! And I want my life-time partner to be like him too, listening what God's saying to him when he has to make a big decision, and follow Him!!


I was really thankful to God for this wonderful weekend and for the awesome team!!!!
The retreat was fruitful in terms of Godly purpose and fellowship to grow and the team to be united. We had a lot of fun and shared joy and ideas for serving God!!
Thank You, God! Thank You, Jesus! Hallelujah!!!

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

my? room - わたしの?へや

My apartment? God's? - our apartment??


As I wrote on this blog on 23 August, I always feel that it is not "my" apartment, but "God's".
I was praying to God that He would provide me with a room which He could use for His Glory.
When I came to see this room, I felt that "this is it! I choose this one!" I understood that this was the room that God prepared for me.

8月23日にこのブログに書いたように、この部屋は私の部屋ではなく神様の部屋のような気がずっとしています。 お部屋探しをしていた時から神様の目的のために用いてくださるようなお部屋を与えてくださいとお祈りしてきました。

It's been more than one month now since I moved in.
What makes me excited about is that God answered to my prayers and has been using this room for His purposes!
This is the first time in my life to receive many guests every week, even several times a week!


When I moved in, I made my mind that I would put all the things that would not help God's Purpose in closet. And I am happy with my decoration and things I can see in this room. I love it acutally.


Also, I naturally keep my room clean and tidy because I feel that this is God's house and I am responsible to keep it nice and clean for Him to use it. From childhood, I loved to clean my room, but when I was living in the previous apartment, it was not always easy because of busy life and laziness/tiredness. But now! I am really happy that I can live in a nice clean tidy room. When I come home, I feel relaxed, feeling God's Presense and worship Him :)
The housekeeping things are not burden for me here, but joyful things to do for God!!!
And another good thing is that I cook more often than before, too!! :))


So far, I received my mom and Kimie san (our Japanease Pastor), and had a prayer meeting and a Life Group (bible study). I am so thankful that all the meetings and fellowship were so blessed by the Heavenly Father. My much-loved E san is coming to visit me on Friday!! :))


I am excited and looking forward to receiving more people here!
I pray that God would touch each person who visits me and they would be filled with God's Love and feel His Grace here in this room.
Thank You, God, for using this room for Your Purposes.
I am so thankful that I can live here by Your Grace.
I will keep this room nice and clean for You, so please bless this house and invite more people in Your Hands.
In Your beautiful Name,


Monday, October 02, 2006

Up-coming Events!! - イベント情報!

New Generation Live! ニュー・ジェネレーション・ライブ!

New Generation Live, happening on this Saturday 7th Oct. at Jitensha kaikan in Tameike-Sannoh! Starting at 7pm!
You can experience powerful and joyful worship and our youth leader will share his great passion to Jesus!!!
Please come along with your friends!!!
Non-Christians are MOST welcome!!! :))
It's a good opportunity to experience a wonderful "church" though you may feel not comfortable to go to church on Sundays or busy on Sundays.
Please come!


Octama Hiking! - 奥多摩ハイキング♪
Leaves turn yellow, orange and red in autumn, shining in themselves! This is the privilege to be in Japan! I didn't see such a beautiful autumn leaves in other countries! (sorry, if you have in your country!)
Also, this is the best season to be outside and enjoy beautiful nature, the creation of God!
←Please see the flyer for more details!!


Sunday, October 01, 2006

Christian's Lifestyle - クリスチャンのライフスタイル

Today's church was sooooooooooo good, from the set-up in the morning to the pack-down in the evening. God blessed every part of the church gracefully. Wow, powerful message, worship, prayers, Holy Spirit's Presense...... I am so grateful that I am a part of such an awesome church. Yeah! I hope more and more people would experience this wonderful moment with God and beautiful people on Sundays everyweek!!! :)


Last two weeks, God spoke to me of a life style of Chirstians.
As a Christian, my lifestyle is, or one of the purposes of my life is to worship God!
Yes, I worship God through singing my favorite worship songs and praying to God.
But, we can worship Him wherever we are, by whatever we are doing.
Worship doesn't mean only singing worship songs or praying, but Worship is our lifestyle!


We can worship God through serving at church in whatever we do. You can worship God by welcoming people at the door of the church, setting up chairs in the morning before people come, giving tiths and offering, helping people who are in need of something, telling about what Jesus has done in your life to whom haven't experienced Him yet, speaking to new people, praying for people around you, ..... everything!
Even a small thing you do is great in God's eyes when you do it with your heart to worship Him!


We don't have to be on the platform under the spot lights and leading worship at church.
Whatever you do wherever you are, you can worship God.
God actually put you on the "special" Platform which God built for you and throw beautiful colourful spot lights on you to shine for Him! (we are like moon and God is the Sun.) So that we can worship Him every minute every second in our life. He is watching over us always. Every step we take, everything we do, everything we speak to people, and most importantly, God knows our heart.


Though the "special" platform is invisible, God is seeing us always.
Just being thankful to God for letting us serve Him one more day, either at work, school, church or home, we live for Him and our primary purpose is to worship God.


I know it is difficult sometimes to keep our faith strong, trust Him, trust His Plan for us, and serve Him and worship Him. But! God will lift us up and show us His Grace when we choose to be thankful and humble in the attitude (or heart) of "worship"!


It's our lifestyle!
This is what I want to do always.
God Himself put this passion to worship Him into my heart!
I "don't have to" but I "want to" worship Him, serve Him, praise His Name always and Love Him for the first priority.


I experienced His Grace when I humbled myself before the Lord and prayed to serve Him through whatever He gave me to do for Him. He lifted me up. God is good always, and He has the BEST plan for us.
Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up. (James 4:10)
