Saturday, July 29, 2006

Mt. Fuji Climbing Event! - 富士登山イベント

I just came back from the highest place in Japan!!! :)
I want to share photos today.
(I will share God's miracles and what He spoke to me later.)


I could see the Sunrise at the Hon-Hachigome (9th station). I could not reach to the top on time because I was climbing up very slow (Thank you, T kun, for accompanying me all the way to the top!). But! It was good! There were so many people crowded on the top, but there were just some people at the 9th Station!! :)) Thank you God!!!
After enjoying the Sunrise, we reached up to the Top! Again, Thank you so much, God!!!!!


←the sky is brightening up! 朝焼け

←not yet...日の出までもう少し・・・

←hmm, not yet? ん~まだ?

←Sunrise!! 日の出!!

←The Sunshine brighter and beautiful it was... 朝陽はどんどん明るさを増していった。。。すっごくきれいだった。。。

←Crater at the Top with F-chan! 頂上の噴火口でFンちゃんと!

Saturday, July 22, 2006


Gary Chapmanは“The Five Love Languages”「5つの愛の言葉」という本の著者であり、「愛の言葉」とは、献身的愛やコミットメントを表現する方法であり、私たちのパートナーの心に触れるためにつきとめることができるし、変えることもできるものであると定義しています。








(つづき) この献金のメッセージをしたときのこと、友達からのフィードバックなどは、7月20日の投稿にあるのでぜひ読んでください。日本語と英語で書いてあります。God bless you!!! えり

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Love Languages of God (my offering message)- 神様の愛の言葉(初めての献金のメッセージ)

Have you ever heard about “Love Languages”?
Gary Chapman who wrote the book “The Five Love Languages” defines that:
A love language is the way we express our devotion and commitment, and it can be learned or changed to touch the hearts of our partner.
People have different love languages which we speak and understand.
Chapman said there are five love languages;
1. Words of Affirmation
2. Receiving Gifts
3. Quality Time
4. Acts of Service
5. Physical Touch

We express our love to our family, friends, relatives and partners with our own love languages. And when people speak to you with your love language, you feel love.
Focusing on the love language 3. “Receiving Gifts”, I think God has the love language of Receiving Gifts because He gives EVERYTHING we need, such as love, mercy, kindnesses, forgiveness, money, place to live, food, cloths, friends, family, … just everything!! (Even He sent Jesus to this world and He died on the Cross to forgive our sins.)
Thus, because God gives everything, I think God’s love language is “receiving gifts”.
The Bible says:
One of the teachers of the law came and heard them debating. Noticing that Jesus had given them a good answer, he asked him, "Of all the commandments, which is the most important?" "The most important one," answered Jesus, "is this: 'Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.' (Mark 12:28-30)

So, let’s give to God from all our heart, soul, mind and strength to show our love, commitment, and devotion to Him! The offering we give to Him is presentation of our Love to Him. We’ve got to express our Love to Him through offering!
God! Please receive it from us! Thank you, Jesus!!!

I gave this offering message for the first time in my life at Jesus Lifehouse on the last Sunday, 16 July!

The massage above is what I made my notes into proper sentenses. My note was messy because I practiced many times. I made changes many many times as I practice to make it short and simple because I had to give the message only within 5 minutes including translation and a prayer.

I had too many things that I wanted to share and wanted to explain more! But I was praying everyday that God will speak to and touch peole's heart through my offering message though I cannot say everything I wanted to say. And, many friends prayed for me including those who could not be at church when I gave the message. My beautiful friends, M and S, came to the morning service to listen to my message, which I felt so much LOVE from them!!!
シェアしたいことがたくさんあり、5分じゃとても足りませんでした。でも、たとえ全部言いたいことが言えなくても、私の献金のメッセージを通して神様が聞いている人たちの心に語りかけ触れてくださるように毎日祈っていました。 そして、多くのお友達が私のために祈ってくれました、たとえ教会に来れなくても。MゆちゃんやSっちゃんは、私のメッセージを聞くためわざわざ午前の礼拝に来てくれた。すっごく愛を感じたよ~ありがとう!!!

...and God answered my prayer. Some people talked to me and said it was good! Good feedback is that it could have been better if I couldn't look up or smile. But the best compliment I have got from my friends was that they could see how much I love God and how strong I am connected to God!!! Thank you so much!!! Yes! this means Holy Spirit filled me and spoke through me!!!

They said they could see how nervous I was!! While I was speaking, I thought I was ok. But when I finished my prayer and put away things to leave the platform, I found that my hands were shaking! My knees were shaking and I thought I could hardly walk back to my seat!! Then, I understood that it was God spoke to people's heart and He is the one who let me speak what I prepared though I was soooooo nervous! Thank you, God!!!!!

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Luke 15:11-24 (English)

I was asked to lead a Life Group (LG: Bible Study Group) for yesterday's study.
I chose Luke 15:11-24 for my study.

We walk in the path which God prepared for us. But, we get lost sometimes, and we may go round and round and cannot reach to the right place easily. I often walked the dark path before becoming a Christian.

However, God is waiting for us to come back to Him ALWAYS and WHEREVER we are.

God welcomes you when you come back. He will hold you with His big and warm arms! Then He gives rewards to you!! :) because He has EVERYTHING and He knows what is best for you and He provides you with them!!!

Like the son in the Scripture (Luke 15:11-24), we may have sinned in the past, even just a few hours ago. Though we are sinners, God loves us perfectly, purifys us, cleanses our sins and make us a brand new and better person than before, only if we repent and come back to Him with the committment to follow Him always.

I was extremely exhausted until I started my LG study. I was wondaring around because of devil's voices though God drew me back to His way. BUT! just when I started my study, I was welcomed in God's arms!! :) and got loads of blessings and grace from Him♪
Here are the situations or moments I was losing my focus on God.

Physical tiredness can NEVER win over my passion to Jesus!
I was awake until 4.30am Sunday night becuase I was so excited about the baptism which we supposed to have on Monday. Though I was tired physically as I was serving from early morning to late at night, I could not sleep! However, the baptism was cancelled... So, I decided to have fellowship with my friends instead to make much use of the precious time God gave me, while expecting the next baptism will be so much blessed!! Everything was good, lunch and sharing, chatting, ... I felt Holy Spirit's presence, but I felt tired... because I slept only 2 hours!
As it was really hard to wake up on Tuesday and I was dizzy while I was working, I didn't really know if I could lead the LG with this condition. But I had a strong feeling that I cannot be defeated by this situation!

God sends "Angels" to protect us and He warns us through good friends!!
Until the night before (Monday night), I was relaxed thinking I can share my experience at Hillsong, and it's gonna be easy until I've got an e-mail from our LG leader (M) and she remided me that it's really important to do "Bible" Study. I realised that I was forgetting the "real" meaning of LG. LG is the place where we learn God's Words, share His great miracles and experiences with Him, share our happiness, pains and problems, and pray for each other. It is NOT for a just fun dinner or chat with friends. Because I was too relaxed and not committed, I was about to miss out the chance to be used by Him (to serve Him)!!!

Sticking to what God speaks to you for the very first time makes differnece!
I chose this topic of "Salvation" because I heard there would be three non-Christians, however, there were only "Christians". Though I thought I would change my topic once, I decided to keep it as I prepared. And, it turned to be so much blessed LG! We had a great time!! I learned from God that though we are "Christians", we can get lost sometimes and need salvations at each time when we lose our focus on Jesus.

Result of coming back to God and following His Voice:
As we had 8-10 girls in our group, we splitted into two groups, and I was asked to do my study with a Japanese-speaking Group of four. Each of them actively participated in the discussion and shared their ideas and experiences that they were shown God's Grace!! That was awesome!! Thank you!!! Although it was the 2nd time for me to lead a group, I found that I was speaking what Holy Spirit speaks to me by giving me wisdoms and ideas while I was talking to them. That was the Holy Spirit leading the group, not me! So, I could feel that the words I spoke reached their heart.
After the LG, I was so thankful that I was not defeated by the devil's voices "doubts" "worries" "tiredness" etc. That was God who protected me and keep me from saying "I'm not going to the LG because I am tired" or "I will ask M to do the study today". If I chose to follow devil's voices, I could not experience this awesome LG! Especially, during the study, God assured me that He will bring lots of salvations in us and He will give us grace and even a lifetime partner for each of us.
Thank You, God! for Your Promises! Thank You for your presence and protecting us always!!

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Luke 15:11-24 - 放蕩息子のたとえ

今日のLife Group(以下:LG)で、私はスタディを任されていた。
昨日の夜までは、Hillsongでの経験をシェアすればいいんだ~と簡単に考えていたけれど、私たちのLGリーダであるMから「明日はどんなふうにシェアするつもりなの?Bible Studyをすることはとても大事なこと」というRemindをもらって、自分がLGでスタディを任されたことについて軽く考えすぎていたことを深く反省した。LGは神様のことばを学ぶところ、神様がしてくれるすばらしい奇跡や経験、かかえている問題や疑問をシェアして助け合い、互いに高め合うところ。ただの楽しいディナーやおしゃべりの場所ではない!と改めて思い知らされた気がした。ボ~っとしていると神様が与えてくれるひとつひとつのチャンスを見逃しちゃうんだ~と反省した。













Monday, July 17, 2006

Jakarta quake and tsunami - ジャカルタで地震・津波

Please pray for people who were stricken by the quake and tsunami today.

Dear Heavenly Father, I pray that you would bring a quick recovery, rehabilitation and rebuilding in the communities and people who were hit by the quake and tsunami today.
Please do not let them suffer long.
Thank you for your promise that you will NEVER forsake us.
God, please strengthen those poeple who are there to help them.
Especially, I pray that you would use these people to bring your Love and Hope to them even when it seems to be hopeless and too much hurt...
Thank you, Jesus, for providing them with medical care, clean water, enough food, and place to sleep, and your Miracles there... Provide them EVERYTHING they need, in Jesus' Name.
I praise You, Lord. Amen.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Receive the blessings! - 祝福は受け取らなきゃ!

Today, I went to Shibuya with my boss for a meeting.
The train was crowded and we could not sit.
While we were talking, a little boy who was sitting in front of me said,
"Please take my seat. Please sit."


I said, "no, you can sit, darling. I'm alright." But he insisted!
So, I decided to receive his offer.


When my boss asked him "can you reach the hand strap?" (Of course not! He was Grade 1!)
Then she told him to hold on to me sitting, and he hold my hand! :))
He held my hand until we got off at Shibuya, talking with us and trying to stand not to lose his balance in the train.
He was so cute and sweet!!!


What he has done for me must be honored by God because he took the action of "giving".
I could imagine that he needed a great courage to make a decision to tell me "Please take my seat". I respect his choice of taking a step out and offering me a seat, and even I was impressed because he is only Grade 1 who was still in a kindergarten four months ago!!
I was really happy to see that he will be a great man of God!!! :)) ☆☆☆


I rememered my friend's saying "do you wanna waste my blessing to you?" when he did the same as this boy, offering me a seat in a train. Since then, I learnt to receive blessings.
"Receiving" can mean that you "give" the person an opportunity to "give" (so that God can bless him/her more and more). On the other hand, if you hesitate to receive it, it means you take his/her opportunity to give!



So, it's ok to "receive"! (though we Japanese often value "resistance" or "reticence".)
Let's be blessed, and bless others!!
Can you see the "multiplier effect of blessings" here?!!


Not only acts of "giving" but also those of "receiving" are needed.
How can the chain of blessing continue if you hesitate to receive it?


Let's give! and Let's receive!
God gives and receives our offering, too.


God is our Provider, and it seems that we are always receiving! which we have to be thankful for. However, sometimes due to our strong will/strongholds or Satan's attacks, we don't "receive" from God when He offers the Best for us.


Let's hear and sense what God wants to give to us! Don't cut the chain of blessings! Let's keep being blessed and giving back to God and others!!!


Monday, July 10, 2006

ヒルソング効果!- "Hillsong Impact"


Today's highlight was that I could share my wonderful experiences at Hillsong Conference and my testimony! :)

第一に、「今朝久しぶりに会った時の笑顔がさわやかだった」「いい休暇だったんだろうなと思ったよ」ということばをもらって、ヒルソング効果が出ていることがわかった♪イエス様が私の中で光ってくださっているんだ!とわかりました★★ 何も語らなくても、「あなたを見ただけでわかる!」と言われることが何よりも嬉しい♪♪

Firstly, I received compliments from my boss and colleagues, such as "your smile this morning was really fresh!" "I could see from your smile that you had a great time during your holiday". This is "Hillsong Impact (or Effect)"!! Jesus is shining inside of me and people can see it!!!!! Those were truly great pleasure to be told "I can tell just by looking at you" without telling a word.


Secondly, it was awesome that I could share my experience at Hillsong Conference with people at work by actually telling them. I was so happy to be asked "How was your holiday?" :)) I could tell them about God's miracles, how big the Conference was (40,000 people from different nations), How powerful it was (and I was given the power), and How I became a Christian for the first time (my history)! Through the holiday which I took only for the Conference, God gave me those opportunity to share my testimonies at work!!! God is AWESOME!!! :))


My colleagues and bosses know I am a Christian because I told them that I got baptised when I went to Canberra in March 2005, taking days off from work. I am so thankful to God that I can tell boldly and joyfully about God's Grace at work!!! The best of all is that they know already that my sourse of power is Jesus and He is my foundation!!! I want to become living testimony of Jesus' Power by being used by Him!!!!!

Sunday, July 09, 2006

photos of the Hillsong Conference 2006!

↑40,000 people gathered in one dome from all over the globe! There were not only Christians but Non-Christians. Many were saved during the Conference!! Y-kun in our team Jesus Lifehouse was one of those who got saved there!! We all were really happy that he became our "Family"!!

↑Worship - Joel on the Screen!

↑Jentezen Franklin - His message was awesome!! Spiritually inspiring & powerful!!!

↑Exciting Worship time! We were siging and dancing and playing with Big baloons! Fire works were used at the beginig of the session!!! Everything was just great in the Conference!!! Thank you God!!!!!