Saturday, January 27, 2007

Christ-Like Character - ジーザスのように。

Our lifetime work is to develop Christ-like character.
In order to be like Jesus, we are to be trained by God, Jesus Himself.
This is one of the purposes I live.


I spent a wonderful week this week :)
Still same work, still problems, same assistant, same boss, same …… Same!
But what made a difference was that Jesus helped me to reveal Christ-like characters within me, which are the fruits of the Holy Spirit. In this way, He answered to my prayers to bless everybody whom I meet and I speak to I prayed every morning.
I tried to smile always at work and to keep my attitude loving, caring, positive, kind, soft and protective mostly toward my assistant.
Then, naturally things got better. She gradually changed her attitude too, and atmosphere in the office was changed. As a result, I could live a victorious life this week! :)


Today, I realized that my weakness was “the” problem, losing confidence, trying to be strong, but running around in vicious circles, which made her feel not secured to be working under me, and made her cranky at me. That problem inside of me caused the “fear” as well.


I found that it’s ok to be “me” as a Christian, trying to develop Christ-like characters, NOT trying to be strong or losing focus on this purpose.
When God reminded me of it, He helped me renew my mind and change my attitude. And it was successful!!!


I learned that it was really important to be loving, caring, giving, positive, kind, supportive, helpful, thankful, peaceful, … like Jesus! towards anybody around us and in any situations. What really matter is not the situation or people around us, but the choices we make.
I want to make right choices or decisions based on “What Jesus would do” or “What Jesus would be” in any circumstances.


Lord, I am very sorry that I was weak and insecure. I am sorry that it caused her to be cranky. Please forgive me.
Thank you for reminding me of the purpose to develop Christ-like characters, which is the lifetime work as a Christian.
I want to be like You always because I love You. Please help me to know what you would like me to be and to do at anytime anywhere.
You are my Leader, my Shepherd, and my King.
I am Your daughter, Your servant and Your little sheep following You :)


Saturday, January 20, 2007


Teaching Service (Wednesday Services)

Date: Every Wednesday  毎週水曜日
Venue: Ochanumizu Christian Centre (OCC) B1F  お茶の水クリスチャンセンター B1階
Time: PM 7.15~ 8.45

Powerful worship, awesome message and teachings, and fellowship at McDonals!?

J-Life Ski & Snowboading Event! J-Life

Sunday Services (Let's celebrate Salvation everyweek!!)

Jesus Lifehouse has three servcices in central Tokyo (Akasaka) and one service in west Tokyo (Higashikurume) every Sunday!
Date: Every Sunday  毎週日曜

West Tokyo (Higashikurume) 西東京(東久留米)
Time: 10.00am ~
Venue: SeibiBunka kaikan 成美文化会館

DirectionsFrom the North Exit, turn left at McDonalds, then take the next left, walk along the road that follows the railway line, cross the main road and keep following the railway line down the hill, the Seibi Educational Cultural Hall is the large building just before the river. From the East Exit, turn left after the Yamazaki Supermarket, turn left again at the t-intersection (Ramen noodle shop), turn right at McDonalds, then take the next left, walk along the road that follows the railway line, cross the main road and keep following the railway line down the hill, the Seibi Educational Cultural Hall is the large building just before the river.

北口からマクドナルドを正面に左に進み、分かれ道を左、そして線路沿いの道を道路を越えて進んでいくと左側に見える大きな建物が成美文化会館です。 東口からデイリーヤマザキの脇の道を入り、十字路(角にラーメン屋がある)を左に進むと北口に差し掛かりますので、後は北口からの行き方と同じです。

Central Tokyo (Akasaka) 赤坂
Time: 11.30am-1.00pm
1.30pm-3.00pm (3.30pm-4.15pm Super Small Groups)
Venue: Bicycle Culture Centre 自転車文化会館

DIRECTIONSFrom Tamikesanno Station Exit 9, Cross Roppongi Dori, turn right, and soon turn left at Tameike Pharmacy (just after Shinsengumi Convenience Store), the building is not far on the right. Less than a 2 min walk.

地下鉄 銀座線・南北線の溜池山王駅出口を出て、溜池交差点の横断歩道を越え、コンビ二(新鮮組)まで行ってください。その先を右折します。その次に左折すると、すぐに自転車会館が右手に見えてきます。溜池山王駅から2分ぐらいです。

Friday, January 19, 2007

Revelation 気づき

Victories would not always be given by fighting.

I learned this yesterday.

And, after writing the blog,

God gave me revelation before going to bed. He brought everything together in shape.

There is Victory that we get by fighting, while there is Victory that we get without fighting.
闘って得る勝利もある。 闘わないで得る勝利もある。

The Victory by fighting. That is given by God, as we fight against our inner selves.
Real fights should go on inside, and we get victories over our weaknesses or sinful nature.

The Victory without fighting. That is given by God, as He Himself fights for us.
We don’t have to fight against others.

“I have commanded you already.
Remember, Live in peace. (2 Corinthians 13:11) Love one another. (Luke 10:27)

Building peace with people around us and Loving people at work, at home, or at school are the Commandments God gives us.

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God”. (Matthew 5:9)
「平和を作る者は幸いである。 その人は神の子どもと呼ばれるからである」(マタイ5:9)

"Teachability" 教えられやすさ

God spoke to me at the Teaching Service (TS) yesterday and I applied it today at work.

The topic of the TS was “Life Group Values”. There are 6 values in it, and one of them really hit me yesterday, that is …
“Teachability” to be a wise man, learning to be a disciple and learn from God and people around us

In that morning, I was not teachable at work. I could not accept what my boss said because I though I was not guilty. So, I claimed that I wasn’t with reasons. However, she said “OK, I’m sorry then. You are right” with anger. This was not God wanted, I thought.


As I am used to her anger, I was sort of ok and continued my job positively. However, deep inside of me was dark. I knew that though I tried to justify myself in the argument, I did not get victory in God’s eyes in this way.


I finished my work and when I went to the TS, God gave me the answer of victory.
The answer is “to be teachable”.
After the TS, my heart was determined. I decided to say sorry to my boss and restore our relationship totally. This morning, I came up to her, apologised to her about my irreverent attitude and showed my respect to her as my boss. I understood that I was not teachable when she wanted to teach me.


Of course, nobody is perfect. Sometimes, we may face accuses which we think we are not supposed to be accused. Maybe we were wrong, or maybe the person was wrong. But I want to be like a little sheep, be quiet and listen to what the person says and learn from it.
Absorbing teachings/accuses is much better or godlier or wiser than fighting back with words or force or whatever. That means we are more stable and peaceful (<- Ryuta san said this in his message “Becoming a real ‘man’”).


Jesus was accused though He was innocent. He was tortured and died on the Cross for us without fighting back. Jesus won the Victory already.

David respected Saul. Though Saul was a bad king, David respected his authority that God gave to him.

“You have heard the law that says the punishment must match the injury: ‘An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.’ But I say, do not resist an evil person! If someone slaps you on the right cheek, offer the other cheek also. If you are sued in court and your shirt is taken from you, give your coat, too. (Matthew 5:38-40)

「あなたがたも聞いているとおり、『目には目を、歯には歯を』と命じられている。しかし、わたしは言っておく。悪人に手向かってはならない。だれかがあなたの右の頬を打つなら、左の頬をも向けなさい。あなたを訴えて下着を取ろうとする者には、上着をも取らせなさい。」 (マタイ5章38~40節)

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Sashimi Party - まぐろパーティー

We had a "Sashimi Party" today!
There were plenty foods as you can see in the photo, and everything was tasty! :)) About 25 girls gathered at E-san's house!
Some girls went to Tsukiji (Tokyo's biggest fish market) to buy Sashimi in the morning, and I joined them at E-san's house to cook for the party. I really enjoyed cooking! I learned how to cut tuna for sashimi today :) Of course, we had desserts, singing songs, chatting, games, as well! It was fun!
Special thanks to E-san, M-chan and M-san, and of course! to our Father God for blessing the party, providing everything we need and gathering such a huge number of girls! We prayed a lot about this party and God answered in each stage. Thank You, God!!!

Tomorrow is church!!! which is our celebration!!
Church is like a "party" every week!!!
I am really looking forward to it!!!!!!
I am going to sing on the platform in afternoon services for the first time tomorrow.
God, please let me sing to you, giving you all my heart and expressing my love to you.
Worship You, Lord.
Thank You, God for everything you have done for me.
Thank You, Jesus for saving me and being with me always.





必要なものを備え、たくさんのガールズを集め、ステキな時間をシェアできたこと、新しいお友達とお話しする機会を作ってくださったこと(サラダを作りながらSちゃんとたくさん話せて嬉しかった♪)、すべて感謝です。このパーティはたくさんの祈りによって支えられて、祈りによって進められてきたパーティでした。こんなに素晴らしいパーティになったのも神様の助けがあったからです。Praise God!!!


Thursday, January 11, 2007

変化 - change


God is amazing!
I've been able to live positively this week.
Of course, there are hardships, problems, discussions, etc.
I have to work over time.
But, small progresses everyday despite I have a pile of work to do.
Thankfully, I can focus on good things like this!
Like I am walking in the miracles.


I can feel that God is chaging the situation gradually.
It's getting better and better.
The atmosphere of our office is different from last week or last month.
Now, what needs to be done is that I should be changed inside.


On Tuesday, one of my colleagues e-mailed me and said "you look different! what happened?"
The answer is the New Year Holiday & 3-days-off last weekend. The 3-days-off was super! I enjoyed a loooooooooot!!! All given by God!!!!!
Before receiving her e-mail, I was not aware of my change in such a great sense. However, because of her comment, I came to feel God's Presence and Blessings more and more everyday, and feel that I was protected. Thank you so much for your prayers!!! Please continue praying for me. I can never appreciate enough.


One more day this week!
God, please protect me and let me be positive tomorrow again.
I praise You, Lord God.
I really look forward to the weekend!!!

Monday, January 08, 2007

自分の敵は自分。- my enemy is me


Lord God, Thank you for speaking to me today through Ryuta san's message.
Yes, God, I need to be free from the fear...
Yeah,... I need freedom.
I love your church, Lord.
Thank you for letting me be a part of the church, Jesus.


I want to discern what's the most important thing in my life, and get it in my hand.
I know the answer in my heart... that is You, God.
I don't want my will.
Please let everything be done by Your Will.


I put my goal for this week.


I will focus on good things, positive things that are happening at work.
Something I (we) achieved, something that I (we) can see the progress...


Lots of different thoughts coming up to my mind, thinking what I am going to do in my life......
Father God, I want to walk on Your Path.
Lord, Please open the new door for me...

Thursday, January 04, 2007


明けまして、おめでとうございます。   A Happy New Year!
2006年、どんな一年でしたか?   How was the year 2006?


To me, 2006 was the BEST Year ever! 2005 was great because I got baptised in 2005, but 2006 was the best in my life!!!

今からすっごく楽しみ☆ クリスチャンになって、こんなにも人生ちがうものかと自分でもびっくりです。

I expect that 2007 will be even BETTER than 2006 because God is with me!
I am excited about it and amazed how different my life has been since I became a Chirstian!
It's AWESOME to be transformed by God!!!!!!

2006年のPraise Pointsを日記に書こうと思っていたところ、年が明けてしまいましたが、本当にたくさんの方々に助けられて、恵まれて、ここまできたなぁというのが感想です。そして、神様の恵みがなければ今わたしはここにこうしていられませんでした。2007年スタート地点に立って、すべてが奇跡の積み重ねだったと思います。本当に感謝です。

While I was writing the Praise Points of 2006 on my journal, the New Year had come... But in summary, I was so grateful that I could finish 2006 thanks to support, encouragement, love and blessings from many people around me. And most importantly, I could not be at the end of the year without God's Grace. Standing at the start point of 2007, I felt that everything was miracle by miracle, in grace by grace... Thank you, God.

感謝してまた新たなスタートです。 With thankful heart, this is new begining!

「だれも、新しいぶどう酒を古い革袋に入れたりはしない。そんなことをすれば、ぶどう酒は革袋を破り、ぶどう酒も革袋もだめになる。新しいぶどう酒は、新しい革袋に入れるものだ。」 (マルコ2:22)

And no one pours new wine into old wineskins. If he does, the wine will burst the skins, and both the wine and the wineskins will be ruined. No, he pours new wine into new wineskins. (Mark 2:22)


Now I've got to get my brand new "wineskin" ready and prepare for receiving brand new grace and blessings from our Father God!